Thursday, February 4, 2010

Green Light Prostate How Long Can A Person Expect To Bleed After A Laser Prostate TURP?

How long can a person expect to bleed after a laser prostate TURP? - green light prostate

Recently I had a green light laser PVP TURP. Unlike the days after surgery, no bleeding at all. Then, 12 days after the event, I suddenly urinate urinate blood at the beginning of each session. This was done for 7 days now. When I drink lots of water and rest, seems to improve, otherwise it is always a little blood taken from normal urine. Can anyone tell me whether this is a normal part of the healing process? Thank you.


alice b said...

TELL YOUR DR has opened a blood vessel -----


Mommy of 1, #2 on the way! said...

You should call your doctor. This could be a rare chance complication.Good! that prevention is better than cure!

brucenja... said...

After 12 days, definitely talk to your doctor, especially if the bleeding stopped one or two days after the operation. What your doctor other options, such as tuna or other techniques. I have problems with a couple of years and I am good with natural supplements and Flomax Saw Palmetto. Call your doctor about the bleeding. Good luck!

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